Hello, I’m Mike.
Software Developer & AR Creator

By day I'm a backend software developer at 7-Eleven.

By night I am an augmented reality creator specializing in Snapchat lenses.

Profile Picture

Who am I?

I am a strange mix of science, art, and tech. I got my degree in biochemistry and then moved into the tech sector, first doing customer support and then working my way into a developer role. I went back to school for more biochemistry, but then decided that I liked tech better and made the switch back into the field.

My professional experience is all in backend web development, but I do have some experience with frontend development through some side projects I work on.

About Me


UT Southwestern Medical Center
Master of Science (MS), Molecular Biophysics with emphasis in Computational and Systems Biology
Brigham Young University
Bachelor of Science (BS), Biochemistry
Sep 2019 - Current
Software Engineer
  • Serverless API Developer
  • Nodejs, MongoDB, AWS Lambda, Swagger
Jul 2017 - Aug 2019
Graduate Student Researcher
UT Southwestern Medical Center
  • Created custom analysis pipeline
  • Published several npm modules
Nov 2016 - May 2017
Support Engineer
  • Fixed bugs and developed new API
  • PHP, Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Docker
  • Created and deployed internal chatbot to assist with customer support - Granted US patent for work
Feb 2016 - Nov 2016
Product Specialist
  • Provided support to customers over phone, email, and chat
  • Contributed to and curated internal knowledgebase


I love building tools and can quickly pick up new technologies.



Models By Mike

My personal website for all things augmented reality.

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Models By Mike
AR Bootcamp

AR Bootcamp

Landing page for helping others learn how to create augmented reality filters

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AR Bootcamp Tutorials

Documentation style website containing augmented reality tutorials written by myself

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AR Bootcamp Tutorials
Love, Life, & Lucille

Love, Life, & Lucille

Landing page for a book launch.

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Web app to allow users to save their favorite Snapchat lenses

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